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Advanced, "Team of Experts" Tax & Financial Planning for Business Owners & Generational Wealth

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Why clients come to us:

  • Lighten the personal load: They want people and expertise they can count on-to solve complex wealth challenges.
  • They are seeking impactful planning that combines disciplined investing, tax mitigation, and protection of wealth and estates.
  • Wealth heading for eight and nine figures is complex and unique. Clients want a tailor-made “Team of Experts Planning" System, specifically aligned to them.

Palmerston - A Partner Who: 

  • Specializes in advising owners of successful businesses and families with generational wealth.
  • Helps you convert financial success into more time for what’s most important in life.

Why Team of Experts Planning? Specialized Knowledge is Scattered.

"We have very little idea of how little we know. We're not designed to know how little we know.” 

-Daniel Kahneman, Nobel Laureate in Economics

Three individuals, all extremely financially successful 52-year old married women. But the advanced financial planning turns out quite differently.  A Team of Experts maps out the client’s uniqueness as the foundation of planning.

Each of these case studies will walk you through the three-step process that we use with our clients.

Step 1: Focus on the Client's Unique Complexity to Design a Team of Independent Experts. 

Step 2: Implement Team-Based Analysis to Create Solutions.  

Step 3: New Circumstances and Opportunities Lead Back to Step 2.  

*Please note: The following "case studies" are hypothetical and don't involve real people. They're educational, and intended to give you a sense of how our "Team of Experts" process works. They should not be interpreted as promises or guarantees.

Maggie - Age 52


Owner - Family Business 

Married 26 years 

Spouse is a teacher

Three children, only one working in the business 

She is uninsurable 

Business has significant real estate assets

Click here to view the case study

Cassandra - Age 52


Owner - Family Business 

Married 12 years 

Spouse is a successful engineer 

Blended family, four children 

Two employees, each owns 5% of the business

Wants to sell the business and retire by age 59

Click here to view the case study

Cherise - Age 52


Executive - Small Public Company 

Married 22 years 

Spouse works for small non-profit 

Two children, one with special needs 

Restricted stock options 

Active in philanthropy

Click here to view the case study

Palmerston Group Advisors specializes in advanced financial planning and wealth management for business owners and high-net-worth families.

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